What time is this thing?
“they’re getting hitched at six” has a nice ring to it. See the schedule tab for more details.
What should I wear?
Dangerous cocktail? rock & roll formal? Black and gold?
Wear something dressy that you feel super cool in.
Josh is wearing a gold leopard print tux jacket, if that helps.
Where is Lincoln Hall?
2424 N lincoln ave chicago, il 60614
Will there be food?
Hellz yeah.
Taco truck outside, light fare inside.
wHeRe aRe YoU rEgIsTeRed???
we’re not. if you feel so inclined to buy us a gift item, We picked random things that we like and could use and put them on a list here.
cash is still king…
Where do I stay?
Reggie’s will likely be our homebase. we’re hosting drinks there Saturday night. buses depart back to reggie’s following the wedding sunday.
Probably your best bet to stay somewhere around there.
By the time you’re reading this there should be a block of rooms held at 2 of the hotels just around the corner…
Hilton home2suites mccormick place
What’s the deal with the playlist?
Check out the playlist tab for a small sliver of the songs that make us think of each other. Do you have one that makes you think of yr boo? just a favorite love song in general? we’ll be throwing in some of these red hot bangers all night long so head here to add yours 🖤